Wayne and Drew Russell are currently equal first in the outright and class X standings as the Australian Production Cars brought to you by LIQUI MOLY championship heads to its penultimate round of 2022 at The Bend Motorsport Park this weekend.
While he missed the Sandown event due to the birth of his first child, daughter Bobbi Bloom Russell, Aaren Russell will return to share the race-winning #58 Go Karts Go BMW M4 with the pair, as the father and sons team looks to mount a competitive debut at the SA venue across October 21-23.
“It is definitely disappointing that Aaren is out of sync with us in the standings as he had to miss a round due to the impending birth of his child, but for us to be leading as a father/son duo is pretty cool and we will be trying our best to maintain that for the rest of the year,” Wayne Russell said.
“It is definitely our aim to take it out but there are still eight races to go and a lot of points up for grabs, so anything could happen between now and the end of the year.”
“It would be a special achievement for us as a family if we are able to take out the title, we have had a lot of fun racing together this year so that would be the cherry on top,” Drew added.
“Not only are we racing as a family but we have a lot of crew working with us from when we raced 10 years ago who we consider family, so it has been extremely special to be racing together again and it has been a thoroughly enjoyable year so far with a lot of laughs.”
“This has been a special year for all of us, not just for us three but to also get some of the old crew who have dedicated so much of their time to us has been amazing and full of laughs/memories. This year was all about having fun together as a family with no pressure on results,” Aaren said.
It has been a big year in the APC brought to you by LIQUI MOLY for the Russells so far this year, with a DNF in Queensland a blip on a otherwise very successful campaign to date.

“Obviously our DNF in the Fight in the Night was unfortunate, but aside from that the pleasing thing is we have managed to develop our car and make it faster each round which has helped us put together a good run of results,” Drew said.
“Managing to get pole in a wet session at Sandown when we were expecting to be outside the top 10 was an unexpected highlight.
“We have definitely exceeded our own expectations so far, there is some tough competition in APC so we are pretty stoked with the results we have managed to get so far.”
The on-track success isn’t the only thing drawing the Russells back to continue racing in the APC brought to you by LIQUI MOLY ranks.
“The paddock is full of great people who love racing and are here to enjoy themselves,” Wayne said.
“Although everyone races hard on track, once the helmets come off you can have a laugh and a chat with anyone and that camaraderie makes the APC a really great place to race.”
This weekend will be the first time racing at The Bend for all three drivers.
“It is not a track at which any of us as drivers have ever been to, let alone driven around, so all we know about it is what we have seen on TV!” Aaren said.
“It looks like an amazing facility and hopefully with the development we have done on our car this year it should be good there and we will hopefully have another successful weekend.”
“We definitely will be making no changes in our approach,” Drew added. “We are racing firstly to enjoy ourselves and then to do the best job we possibly can to be racing up the pointy end and try to win races. Hopefully, we can achieve that but there will be a number of cars up the front so it should be an entertaining weekend.”
“In the meantime, we would like to thank the organisers and sponsors of the APC for putting on the series, our team that come away with us each weekend, Beric Lynton and his team for their support and our long-time sponsors Go-Karts-Go, Steve Koulis Smash Repairs and Century Batteries Broadmeadow,” said Wayne.
The penultimate round of the 2022 APC brought to you by LIQUI MOLY season will be held at The Bend Motorsport Park across October 21-23, featuring four x one-hour races.
For more information on the Australian Production Cars, visit www.ausprodcars.com.au or contact Troy Williams on troy@ausprodcars.com.au